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Exploring the Golan Heights

Wild Landscape With Golan Heights; Israel Stock Photo - 10976778

When desired, the following tour options can be combined with Jewish learning that relates to the tour.
A) Green Tech and Renewable Energy in the Golan

Learn about alternative energy in the Golan and explore Jewish values of conservation and waste reduction. Options include:
• Solar Energy in Nimrod
• Wind Farm by Avnei Eitan
• Recycling/Biogas Facility at Meitzar
• Community Waste Separation in Bnei Yehuda

B) Water
Experience water and explore its deeper meaning in the Golan’s abundant waterways. Trails include:
• Nachal El Al (the Black Waterfall) Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: easy to moderate
• Nachal Meshushim (the Hexagonal Pools) Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: easy to moderate (steep back up but easy trail)
• Ayit Waterfall to Aniam Pool Time:3-4 hours Difficulty: moderate
• Nachal Zavitan to Yehudia Time: 3-4 hours Difficulty: moderate
• Fresh Springs Tour Time: 1-3 hours (depending on how many springs they want to visit) Difficulty: easy
C) Biodiversity/Animals
Learn about the wildlife of the Golan and explore Jewish values regarding the treatment of animals. Trails include:

• Gamla (Griffin Vulture trail, Falls trail, Ancient Synagogue trail) Time: 2-4 hours, depending on which trail Difficulty: easy to moderate, depending on trail
• Moshav Nov — Stork Nest, Snake Workshop with Michael Even-Esh Time: 2 hours
Difficulty: Easy

D) Trees/Flowers/Herbs
Explore the beauty of the Golan in full flower, visit ancient and new groves, and learn about local herbal remedies. (These trails are most full of flowers in the spring.) Trails include:

• Bashan Ridge (by Alonei Habashan) Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: easy
• Nachal Meitzarim Time: 4-5 hours Difficulty: moderate

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