Jewish Environmental Teachings on 18 Core Topics
Jewish Eco Seminars is proud to feature a wealth of new Jewish environmental teachings.
Available Now:
Core Teaching #3: Compassion for All Creatures
Core Teaching #4: Sustainability in Settling the Land of Israel
Core Teaching #5: Slowing Down: Shabbat and Environmental Awareness
Core Teaching #6: Countering Destruction: Lessons from Noach
Core Teaching #7: Holy Use: Relating to Resources Sustainably
Core Teaching #8: The Spiritual Roots of the Environmental Crisis
Core Teaching #9: Passing the Test of Wealth
Core Teaching #10: Water: Appreciating a Limited Resource
Core Teaching #11: Praying for a Sustainable World
Core Teaching #12: Genesis and Human Stewardship of the Earth
Core Teaching #13: We are How We Eat: A Jewish Approach to Food and Sustainability
Core Teaching #14: Let the Land Rest: Lessons from Shemita, the Sabbatical Year
Core Teaching #15: Toward a Wiser Use of Energy
Core Teaching #16: Being a Good Neighbor
Core Teaching #17: Guard Yourselves Very Well
Core Teaching #18: The Glory in Creation: Valuing Biodiversity