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Praying for a Sustainable World

This resource is part of Canfei Nesharim’s Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment, in partnership with Jewcology.com, with support from the ROI Community, a community of young Jewish innovators founded by Lynn Schusterman, and the Shedlin Outreach Foundation.

Praying for a Sustainable World

Prayer is one of the key tools that God has given us to change the world. As we will see, it is our responsibility and opportunity to pray for the health of the earth and human civilization living on it and with it.


“Change your lightbulb! Call your senator! Buy a hybrid car! Think global, act local!” Sound familiar? These are today’s strongest environmental messages, the messages of action that we most likely associate with protecting the environment.

Today’s environmental movement seems to focus strongly on doing. There are things to buy, actions to take, petitions to sign, policies to advocate. It is rare for environmentalists to think of prayer as a tool for change. Many people in today’s society think of prayer as a passive, contemplative activity – a break from action. Jewish tradition expresses a very different view of prayer. Jewish teachings help us realize that a moment spent in prayer is an active moment, with the power to make a difference.

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