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Shabbat, Ecology, and Modern Israel

Overview of Program:
The program aims to increase awareness of life and our surroundings on Shabbat, and relates this to the land of Israel and current ecological issues. Most of the program takes place in a park or nature area in Israel nearby to where participants are staying for Shabbat.

The program includes many short activities, including outdoor, experiential education like ‘human camera’ (a description of this activity is included above in ‘program 2’). Many of the activities and texts will help bring out an appreciation for the natural world and the beauty of Israel.

Musical havdalah, and guitar-led singing and dancing are also available as add-ons. In the winter months, the program can be done at any time during the day of Shabbat. During the summer months, the program works best in the later afternoon of Shabbat, between approximately 4:30 and 7:30 pm.

Location: Anywhere in Israel with access within walking distance to trees or a park.

Time: Two and a half hours, including travel time walking to and from nature site or park.

Basic Program Timetable (approximate, based on winter schedule):
• 10-10:30 am Introduction to the program at hotel, and walk to the nearby park
• 10:30-11:00 am Icebreaker games, improvisation activities, and ‘human camera’ outdoor experiential activity
• 11:00-11:25 am Discussions in small groups based on Shabbat, ecology, and Israel learning sheet, facilitated by Jewish Eco Seminars educator(s) and program staff.
• 11:30 am-12:00 pm Together as one group: Singing and rapping, brief lying-down meditation, and integration of the teachings
• 12:00-12:30 Walk back to hotel, and conclusion
• 12:30 pm Lunch at hotel (not included as part of program)