Overview of Program:
In this module, participants will connect to nature in Israel while simultaneously engaging in a stimulating Jewish environmental teaching. The teaching on planting and using trees relates deeply to the land of Israel and the planet. From near the bus, the educator will introduce participants to the ecological issue in Israel and the world we will be delving into: how we use trees and the future of the rainforests.
The educator will then lead participants on a fifteen-minute guided hike, introducing participants to the site and seating the participants in a circle within the forest. The educator will then tell the participants about a very interesting Midrash and later commentary about Jacob planting trees to be used for the Sanctuary, and those trees singing when they were used. Next, the educator will guide participants in experiential activities involving trees. This will be followed by a group discussion and integration of the teaching.
Possible Locations: A hiking trail in any forested area in Israel with shaded places for the group to stop along the way
Time: One and a half to three hours
Basic Program Timetable:
• 0:00-0:10 Introduction
• 0:10-0:30 Hiking followed by sitting in a circle in the forest
• 0:30-0:40 Telling of the Midrash
• 0:40-1:00 Experiential activities followed by passing out questions
• 1:00-1:15 Sharing of experiential activities as a group and conclusion of teaching
• 1:15-1:30 Hiking back to bus while participants individually contemplate their questions
For a longer program:
• 1:30-1:45 Snack and bathroom break
• 1:45-2:00 Guided visualization in the forest
• 2:00-2:15 Educational hike in the forest
• 2:15-2:35 Group or small group discussions (or chevruta/paired learning)
• 2:35-2:45 Concluding thoughts by the educator
• 2:45-3:00 Final Hike back to the bus