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Water: Appreciating a Limited Resource

This resource is part of Canfei Nesharim’s Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment, in partnership with Jewcology.com, with support from the ROI Community, a community of young Jewish innovators founded by Lynn Schusterman, and the Shedlin Outreach Foundation.

Water: Appreciating a Limited Resource

The world increasingly faces a water crisis, experienced most by those in Africa, South Asia, and China — and also presenting real challenges in Israel and the United States. A lack of sufficient drinking water is recognized to be a leading cause of death in the world. Recent droughts have underlined the importance of water in modern times. Jewish teachings on rain and water can help us cultivate an appreciation for water, and inspire us every day to value and protect everything we use.


Human beings depend on a sufficient supply of high quality fresh water for their survival. Because of this essential dependence, Jewish sources equate water with life. The Biblical experiences with water in the desert can be understood as a spiritual training to cultivate appreciation for G-d’s goodness. Jewish prayers and texts reinforce this message and remind us of pur ancient wisdom about the preciousness of water.

Today, the industrialization of water distribution has increased the availability of water yet reduced our appreciation of its importance. For our modern use of water to continue in the long-term, we will have to develop a deeper water awareness. By recognizing our dependence on water, and ultimately our dependence on G-d, we can strengthen our appreciation and protection of our precious natural resources, and also reap the spiritual benefits of a strengthened relationship with the Creator of the world.

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