We are How We Eat: A Jewish Approach to Food and Sustainability
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov identifies the desire for food and drink as the central desire of the human being, and the one from which other desires emanate. In Rabbi Tzadok Hacohen’s “A Treatise on Eating,” he cites the mystical book of the Zohar, which calls the moment of eating “the time of combat.” This is because in eating a Jew must engage in the spiritual fight to ensure the act is a holy one.
Eating food is a significant part of the Jewish spiritual path, and Jewish teachings and practices provide guidance for how to eat in a holy manner. These include being selective and mindful of which foods we eat (based on the kosher laws), and how we eat them. Jewish teachings can help us appreciate the food we eat and eat it in a spirit of holiness. As we will see, eating in a Jewish way can also help the environment.
Learn this topic:
- Short Summary Article
- Longer Article for Deeper Study
- Study Guide with Hebrew-English Sources and Discussion Questions (PDF)
- For School: The Bracha and the Bread Basket(PDF)
Additional Resources Available for Download:
- Listen! Audio Podcast on A Jewish Approach to Food and Sustainability
- Video! Rabbi Yonatan Neril on We are How We Eat