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What We Offer

Half-day, full-day, or multi-day seminars are available. For pricing, please contact us.

We offer the following programs:

Israel’s Water Challenges

At the Sataf Spring Nature Reserve, enter a hewn-out water cistern and see first-hand age-old water collection methods and how they irrigate agricultural plots. Explore Jewish sources on water conservation in relation to this contemporary challenge, and consider possible solutions for Israel in the 21st century.

Israel’s Environment

Enjoy an active and exciting experience on the ground in Israel linking modern Israel, contemporary environmental issues, and Jewish sources. Participate in a guided hike with experiential activities along the way! Learn about Jewish texts in chevruta style (paired learning), and contemplate intriguing questions.


In the Jerusalem forest or another forested site in Israel, learn to relate to trees in a new way. Participate in an experiential activity in which your partner guides you to touch and identify a tree without looking at it – by sounds, sense of balance, smells, touch, and more. Learn Jewish teachings about the importance of trees to humans, and about our dependence on trees in the modern world in light of deforestation.

Mud building

Get Dirty! At a location in or near Jerusalem, engage in a mud building workshop with an expert in this innovative construction method. Use local materials to construct a mud oven or dwelling. Learn about the broader meaning of this phenomenon by exploring Jewish teachings on the subject.

Gardening with Israeli Children

At an elementary school in Jerusalem, work with Israeli children in planting or tending their school garden. With them, understand the growth process of vegetables and herbs and the educational significance of school gardens in Israel. Conclude by discovering how gardening is rooted in Jewish values and teachings.

Israeli Organic Farming

Learn how organic farming is emerging in Israel and impacting modern Israeli agriculture. Enjoy a walking tour of an Israeli organic farm, guided by the farmer. Then study Jewish sources on organic farming and agriculture, and taste farm-fresh organic produce.

Desert in Israel

Since the Jewish people were “born” in the desert, the deserts bordering Israel’s settled areas carry great significance. Feel the power of escaping civilization for a short while, and experience the soul silence of the desert through a guided hike and activities. Then carry the awe of the desert back into civilization by examining through the lens of Jewish teachings what values it offers for human societies.