Teaching #13: A Jewish Approach to Food and Sustainability
Jewish teachings can help us appreciate the food we eat and eat it in a spirit of holiness. Doing so can also help the environment, as we will explore.
Learn this topic:
- Summary Article by Rabbi Yonatan Neril
- Longer Article for deeper Study by Rabbi Yonatan Neril
- Study Guide with Hebrew-English Sources and Discussion Questions (PDF)
- For Schools: The Bracha and the Bread Basket (PDF)
- Video! Does a Kosher Label Guarantee Kosher Food?
- Video! Rabbi Daniel Sperber on Jewish Animal Welfare: Exclusive Interview
- Video! Jewish Food Ethics – Talk by Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Additional Resources Available for Download:
Listen! Podcast
This resource is part of Canfei Nesharim’s Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment, in partnership with Jewcology.com, with support from the ROI Community, a community of young Jewish innovators founded by Lynn Schusterman, and the Shedlin Outreach Foundation.
Teaching #14: Let the Land Rest: Lessons from Shemita, the Sabbatical Year